Welcome to the 2014 Industrial Organisation site
This year’s course will be very similar to the 2013 and 2012 ones, which you can see by clicking on the links on the right, or at the top.
This year’s course will be very similar to the 2013 and 2012 ones, which you can see by clicking on the links on the right, or at the top.
In this topic, I give a basic overview of IO, and we do some “revision” of demand curves, profits, welfare and monopoly.
This Industrial Organisation Course now has a Facebook page here. Follow the page to get updates when new slides are released.
Tirole has made many huge contributions to the field of Industrial Organisation that we’re studying this semester. I know I’m a bit late on this as I’ve been...
In this topic, we start with a game theory refresher, and then we move on to take a fresh look at Bertrand and Cournot oligopoly.
In this topic we go further into the consequences of Bertrand and Cournot competition, and we investigate the links between the two.
In this topic we try to answer the question: “Will profits in reality be higher or lower than under Cournot?”. We begin by reminding ourselves of the origins...
Below is the mock mid-term short answer test.
In this topic, we look at the different varieties of price discrimination which monopolists may perform.
In this topic we analyse horizontal product differentiation models, which are models in which consumers value variety in consumption, or in which different c...
In this topic we examine different views on the mechanisms by which advertising works, examining the welfare consequences of advertising in each case.